Birth Journey
Listen & Surrender to your Inner Wisdom
to Allow your Body to Open Up
We have desires and wishes of how we’d like our birth to go. There is a strong hope for your birth to flow smoothly. However, sometimes fear and distractions shut our bodies down and make the process more difficult. Your baby is plugged into your thoughts, feelings, and bodily states. They know when you are ready for them. You may have beliefs that restrict your body from releasing or the baby may be in a position that is not easy for birthing. All of this can be adjusted. The baby can be gently guided to a more settled pose through guidance of the mothers body in different positions. The baby can also be guided by feeling a calm stress free mother.
When the body is feeling restricted this is an opportunity to listen to your body speak and the mysteries that are arising. Through guidance we can shed light on the shadows. A journey can help bring you out of your mind and into your body and the mythical world. Going through a passage to the mythical world allows issues to reveal themselves more clearly. You become empowered to take this Birth into your own hands.
"Birth is a beautiful Journey
to stepping into Motherhood.
Birth is a powerful
Initiation of Surrender.
Birth is Growth
into a new Life."
Every female body is programmed to give birth the moment it comes into existence. Every woman knows how to birth successfully and continue the growth of the species. Birth Journeying can guide you back to your primordial knowing of how to have a healthy, safe birth.
~ Illuminate your shadow. Open your heart. Experience new beginnings ~
I will guide you to listen to your inner wisdom and empower you to embrace your full potential as a Woman and a Mother.
** Surrender is not a weakness. It comes from a deep trust and allows us to connect with the truth within.