Do you desire to buy your dream house, buy land, grow your business, find a marriage partner, or have a baby? Manifest your Dreams!
In the Andes, they have a festival Q’olloirit’i where people do the “sacred work” - pukllay and they have a play area where people are light hearted, laughing, and loving but with serious intentions. They manifest their dreams in this play area with “sacred play” by embodying their dreams and desires through the creation of a despacho.
What is a Despacho?
A despacho is a ceremonial prayer bundle created to embody your dreams. They are traditionally used by the Q’ero [from Peru], Incan, and Andean tribes. A despacho is believed to connect your soul to the source of all creation. To restore balance and harmony.
“A despacho is a living prayer that brings energy shifts and healing.” - Dr. Alberto Villoldo
Most despachos are an Ayni despacho. Ayni means to come into reciprocity with the Universe. It brings balance into our lives. An ayni despacho bridges the ordinary and non-ordinary realms.
There are many types of despachos. Some are used for healing our bodies, manifesting our dreams, or honoring of the dead.
Some people have sold their house and found their dream home, some people have discovered their dream job, some have become healthier. Whatever you desire you can focus your despacho on. Such as having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby!
As long as your intention is true the despacho will help that intention to become true.
The Steps for Creating a Despacho
Begin this ceremony by opening up sacred space – calling in all the elements
1. Get a large piece of white paper – A couple pieces of tissue paper is a good size/thickness
2. Collect all of your recados – ritual items
[ If trying to manifest something involving money having play money is recommended, toys for cars or houses, a fake wedding ring, or baby items depending on what your focus is]
3. Put together 3 leaves as a Q’intu [prayer offering]. Blow your prayers into this Q’intu. Offer it to your despacho.
3. Fill your despacho with prayers breathed into each ritual item
[it’s nice to play music during this time if you like to dive deeper]
4. Create a mandala of prayers
5. Once complete, wrap it up – folding each corner in
6. Tie it with a white cord & add a Q’intu for any forgotten prayers on top.
7. Add white & red flowers on top too.
* Traditionally when offering prayers, one would create 3 layers to represent the 3 worlds. The lower world, the middle world, and the upper world. In the lower world, you would offer your q’intus, red flowers, beans, corn, and seeds. In the middle world, the animal crackers, rice, chocolate, sweets, and sage. In the upper world, the sprinkles/sparkles, cotton, colored yarn, and white flowers.
** You are creating a beautiful mandala from your heart. Know that as long as your prayers are intentional you can not do the despacho wrong. Just lead with your heart.
Recados – Ritual Items
3 Coca leaves – Q’intu’s
* Bay leaves are good substitutes for coca leaves
Seeds – to grow your prayers
Red Flowers – the Earth [Pachamama]
Beans – protection & nourishment
Rice – fertility & abundance
Chocolate – sweets for the earth [Pachamama]
Candies/Sweets – everything we are in relationship with
Corn/Quinoa – sustenance, gifts to the land
Animal crackers – spirit animals
Play money – to ensure success
Sage – purification/ release negativity
Rainbow Sprinkles/Sparkles – to celebrate all of life
Colored Yarn – rainbow bridge
Cotton – clouds & dream time
White flowers – mountains [apus]
Completion of the Despacho
Once complete the despacho can be buried in the earth or given to the ocean/river for slow steady results or burned for quick transformation.
Detach from the outcome after you offer it, so what can be created is so much more than your mind could imagine.
If burned traditionally one does not watch the flames burn to represent non-attachment to the outcome and release of all.
Once everything is complete, close sacred space by offering thanks to the elements.
Know that everything happens at the right time so please have patience for everything to align for your desires to come to fruition.
Many Blessings to You!